In addition to being the owner, Jay describes his job as being “there to throw the balls back when they go out of bounds and occasionally draw up a few plays.” We’re certain he plays a slightly more important role than that. Outside of work, Jay is a family man with a wife and three kids. He likes hunting and boating, and if you ask him what food he likes to pair most with beer, he’ll tell you “anything that flies, runs, swims or had a heartbeat at one time.” We’d share the video of him demolishing that plate of hot wings, but we’re not sure it wouldn’t scare people.
Beer style most likely found in his fridge:
1B: Budweiser or 21A: American IPA
Joe manages and directs a group of awesome individuals that sell, deliver and service all of the grocery and club stores in the Harris Beverages territory. His main job is to help develop members of our team and fully support them in achieving their goals as well as Harris Beverages goals. When he’s not facilitating that, Joe is completely crushing our employee survey for this website with some great humor. For the question, “I find ___________ is best when enjoyed responsibly,” he answered, “being irresponsible.” For, “Describe what you do with your day when you play hookie from work:” he said, “I wouldn’t know. I usually play hookie AT work.” And for, “What is something that you’ve done, but blamed it on the dog?” he said, “Not hitting my sales budget for the month.” Good ones, Joe!
Beer style most likely found in his fridge:
12C: English IPA or 21A: American IPA
As the Operations Manager, Shawn oversees the storage and distribution of our wide selection of beverages. His various departments include receiving, warehousing, picking, inventory, and fleet management. At home, Shawn spends time with his wife and children. His dream car is a shiny new Corvette and his dream vacation is a trip to Italy. Oh, and when asked what he would do with his day if he ever skipped out on work, he responded “I would never do that.” You’re a better man than the rest of us, Shawn.
Beer style most likely found in his fridge:
1A: American Light Lager
Aside from impersonating rock stars, Patrick is the guy for all things On Premise and Craft Brands. If there’s a question about any of the wide range of craft beer, cider and seltzers that we sell, he’s definitely the guy to ask. And if you don’t feel like listening to him drone on about beer, just change the subject to something more philosophical. We think we might have heard him listening to Deepak Chopra when he pulled into work this morning, but whatever it was, we’re sure it was pretentious.
Beer style most likely found in his fridge:
21A: American IPA or 5D: German Pils
Other Smart Things Patrick Has Done:

Certified Cicerone

Master Brewers Association of Americas Beer Steward
Jami manages and directs all of finance, HR and payroll. In her spare time she enjoys “lake life” and spending time with her husband, children and grandchildren. Several cruises and a trip to Hawaii will be in her near future.
Beer style most likely found in his fridge: All of them (definitely not a beer snob)
Buddy oversees the sales department for our small format segment which includes, C-Stores, Drug Chains and Small Mass Merchant Stores. When not at work Buddy is can often be found traveling somewhere warm, Nashville or visiting breweries with his lovely wife. Buddy is the proud father of four sons and six grandsons.
Beer style most likely found in his fridge:
Category 1A: American Light Lager
Justin describes his job as “the filter between the sales side and the operations side.” Making sure deliveries happen in a timely and professional manner is what he does through ongoing training and team work. We liked that description so much, we decided to quote it. When Justin’s not at work, he’s probably spending time with his adorable daughter or enjoying a few cold ones at the beach. All we know is that he’s definitely NOT spending it watching Star Trek. When we tried to ask him whether he likes Leonard Nimoy or Zachary Quinto better, his response was, “Who?” Come on, man. Everyone knows it’s Nimoy!
Beer style most likely found in his fridge: